Photos courtesy of Duet


Our communities provide resources and expertise to make Arizona an age-friendly home. Connect with our communities to continue expanding the opportunities for people of all ages.

Age Friendly Arizona Communities Map - PDF Download

Verde Valley Caregivers

Verde Valley Caregivers Coalition (VVCC) provides accessible transportation and programs, through volunteer services, to support adults in need of assistance to maintain their independence and quality of life at home.

The VVCC is a community-based 501 (c) (3) nonprofit established in 1992 to solve the critical issue of older adults living alone without family or friends to assist them with activities crucial to their independence so they can remain in their homes. All of VVCC’s services are provided at no cost by dedicated volunteers throughout the Verde Valley. Over 300 volunteers assist with services that include transportation to medical and other appointments, shopping and other errands, bill paying and sorting, handy person help and respite for in-home caregivers.


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