New Toolkit Offers Information About Rides That Save Lives April 15, 2021 | General, Transportation Communities that want to help older adults access the COVID-19 vaccine can get assistance through a new toolkit called “Rides to Save Lives.” There may be a variety of barriers facing older adults who want the vaccine. They may be homebound, have a disability, be unable to drive, or worry about vaccine safety. Or they may lack family/caregiver support or may not have the resources to get the vaccine. There may be agencies that would like to help people get the vaccine, but don’t know how to go about it. This toolkit is designed to help agencies solve these issues. The “Rides to Save Lives” toolkit is a comprehensive webpage featuring information and best practices that nonprofits, communities, and mobility providers can learn from and use in their efforts to improve vaccine access for older adults. The resource was made possible by The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation and the many and diverse partners of Age Friendly Arizona. The toolkit highlights efforts from nonprofit and government agencies, communities, and individuals nationwide that are devising new services to get older adults vaccinated. It combines high-value resources curated from projects across the country with others created specifically for this initiative. Learning is happening in real time, so some “tools” stretch the traditional definition to include inspiring ideas and emerging best practices that might be scaled up or replicated. Another resource available on the website is a Rural Transportation Incubator video that profiles a program to help communities across Arizona by providing funding, support and resources to local governments, nonprofits and other service agencies to improve rural transportation options. Age Friendly Arizona is a collaborative effort to give older adults access to programs and services that promote their well-being and encourage their involvement in community life. offers resources to support the independence and community growth of older adults.